Framed Art Prints by PASoB S6


The Scoop frame is made from solid wood with a contemporary, scooped profile measuring 1.06" wide x 1.06" deep. A gesso coating gives the moulding rich color and a smooth finish. Premium shatterproof acrylic protects the art print, while an acid free dust cover on the back provides a custom finish. Includes wall hanging hardware.
Framed fine art print on natural white, matte, ultra smooth, 100% cotton rag, acid and lignin free archival paper using an advanced digital dry ink method to ensure vibrant image quality.

The Vector frame is made from solid wood with a contemporary, angular profile measuring 0.87" wide x 0.87" deep. A gesso coating gives the moulding rich color and a smooth finish. Premium shatterproof acrylic protects the art print, while an acid free dust cover on the back provides a custom finish. Includes wall hanging hardware.
Framed fine art print on natural white, matte, ultra smooth, 100% cotton rag, acid and lignin free archival paper using an advanced digital dry ink method to ensure vibrant image quality.

The Conservation Series frame is made from solid wood claimed from socially and environmentally responsible forests. It has a clean and contemporary 0.75" wide x 1.25" deep profile with a smooth veneer finish. Premium shatterproof acrylic protects the face of the art print, while an acid free dust cover on the back provides a custom finish. Includes wall hanging hardware.
Framed fine art print on natural white, matte, ultra smooth, 100% cotton rag, acid and lignin free archival paper using an advanced digital dry ink method to ensure vibrant image quality.


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